
What is 8nook?

8nook, based on 8values, is an Animal Crossing personality test that attempts to assign percentages for eight different personality values. You will be presented with a statement, and then you will answer with your opinion on the statement, from Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree, with each answer slightly affecting your scores. At the end of the quiz, your answers will be compared to the maximum possible for each value, thus giving you a percentage. Answer honestly!

There are questions in the test.

What are the eight values?

There are four independent axes — Intensity, Desire, Style, and Organization — and each has two opposing values assigned to them. They are:

Ambition (Intensity)
Players with high Ambition scores tend to play efficiently and vigorously. They aim to achieve as much as possible and strive to "complete" the game, whatever that may mean to them. They may choose to indulge in time travel and glitch exploitation. They derive enjoyment from playing the game to its fullest extent.

Serenity (Intensity)
Players with high Serenity scores take the game at a slow pace. To these players, the game is just a game. There is little to no sense of "completion", and they may ignore certain aspects of the game entirely. They value relaxation over achievement.

Material (Desire)
Players with high Material scores derive enjoyment from obtaining items and completing milestones. When playing with others, it is not so much the multiplayer interaction that matters, but the mutual material benefit that can be realized. They may prefer to keep to themselves, focusing on personal progress.

Social (Desire)
Players with high Social scores adore interaction with other human players. It is not the goods exchanged between players that matters, but the act of trading itself. They may compare their island to others'. To them, the game is truly a multiplayer experience. Isolating oneself is severely limiting.

Experience (Style)
Players with high Experience scores see the game as a social simulation. These players enjoy cultivating friendships with villagers, eagerly embracing their dialogue. They especially appreciate the relaxing ambiance, dynamic environments, and seasonal events of the game. They want to see and explore everything. They may enjoy taking photos and visiting Photopia. Their island is desirable as-is, and changes are only icing on the cake.

Creation (Style)
Players with high Creation scores see the game as a construction sandbox. These players enjoy terraforming, creating custom designs, and furnishing their homes. Their enjoyment of the game stems from having ideas and painting them into reality. Their island is not desirable as-is, but must be made so through their creative energy.

Flow (Organization)
Players with high Flow scores play through spontaneity and momentary passions. They find enjoyment in starting up the game without pre-planned commitments. They may jump between activities frequently. To them, the game is best played by doing exactly what they want in the moment without regard to the past or future.

Structure (Organization)
Players with high Structure scores play through plans and routines. They desire an island that is orderly both in form and function. They may have a list of tasks for a given day and schedule time to complete them. In creative endeavours, they strive to design neatly and to an excellent standard.

What's the "Personality Type" at the bottom of the results?

In addition to matching you to the eight personality values, the quiz also attempts to match you to a proper personality type.
A for Ambition, S for Serenity, M for Material, O for sOcial, E for Experience, C for Creation, F for Flow, and T for sTructure.
The dominant value for each axis will yield a letter for a total of four. In some cases, an x will be rendered indicating that you are close to the middle.
Simply sharing your four-letter personality type is the quickest, but most reductive, way to share your results.

Who are you?

My name is Brian. I've loved Animal Crossing since I played it on the GameCube as a kid. So I thought I'd screw around a bit and make this personality quiz.
My college roommates gave me valuable feedback during the development process. You can find out more about them by clicking the obnoxious banner below.
If there's interest, I might publish a video talking about my interpretations of the values, and what you can glean from them.
Thanks for playing!

I don't like my scores!

This test is imperfect, but that's OK because this is a seaplane.
If you have any suggestions or constructive criticism, feel free to get in contact with myself and my roommates in our Discord channel.
You're wrong if you think I'm done developing the test! Based on your feedback, it will be tweaked to be more accurate, or simply more fun.

We Were Roommates YouTube